Research over many years has linked plant-based diets to lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Whole food, plant-based diets are associated with significant improvements in emotional well-being, physical-being, depression, weight, and general health. In this interview with Dr. Pam Popper, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and health, she discusses how to reverse chronic diseases and eliminate medications with diet.

Benefits of a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet
Research from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, concluded:
Save lives. Premature deaths from controllable diseases have surpassed tobacco use worldwide. Those who eat a WFPBD generally are leaner, lose weight, and keep it off. No counting calories, either!
Reduce impacts climate change. Food production is responsible for up to 30% of total greenhouse gas emissions, with animal products accounting for the vast majority. Its proven WFPBD greatly reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.
Prevent premature deaths. Eating more plants and few animal products could prevent 10.9 to 11.6 million premature deaths from heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions, every year.
Alleviate hunger. The report found that more than 820 million people around the world lack sufficient food. Almost two thirds of ALL soybean, maize, barley, and grains are used as feed for animals.
Tips for Getting Started
Build meals around beans, whole grains, and vegetables. BONUS: this saves money too!
Start daily by eating whole grains + fruit for breakfast.
Eliminate processed foods from your house. "Junk food", anything made in a factory does not serve you or the environment.
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